Our Population
In my previous blog i wrote about cutting trees in our cities. it is the remaining part of the post. Traffic Jam= Narrow roads. Narrow Roads= Cutting trees= Road Widening= Increased Vehicle Number in city. Increased Number of Vehicles= Increased pollution= Increased Population in city Increased Population= Cause of all problems. There is not a single political party in India who is ready to accept the challenge to control the population. Increased population is good for them, political parties will get more votes. All the parties are fighting with each other ( at least showing to common man that they are fighting for benefit of a common man) on many issues, but no one dare to uplift this issue of population. As population is increasing number of people has to stay in slums as resources are rare, so they can't afford good food, good living style and good Education. And if there is no education then these people will never know what are their rights and what is written in our constit...