Do we need a Hitler?

Do we need a Hitler?

People living under military junta knows the value of freedom. People living in democratic nations do not understand the importance of freedom. Its easy to say , we need strong rules so society will function better, but actually following the rules is much more difficult for the same people. Do the politicians living in such democratic nations know the value of freedom or understand what republic or democracy means?
India is constantly running towards the valley of self destruction arranged by our great (?) politicians. Whatever they are saying: India is shining, we will become biggest economy in the world, we are advanced in science and armaments, we have young force available, But truth we all know. Face is shining; legs are getting eaten by maggots.
Corruption is increasing like virus of aids or cancer, no new fighter planes, no new sea plane carriers, no new submarines, no new artillery guns, no new army equipments… all because scandals happening and now no one is ready to take a risk to give order of new equipments. (remember what Ex- Army chief said?)
Increased mining, corruption in building dams, bridges, . Forest department is giving salaries in billions, but jungle and animals are still decreasing. Farming land near cities is turning in to NA plots, factories are not following pollution boards’ norms. Billions wasted in building dams, but farmers and people are dying without water. Many villages still do not have roads, schools, electricity. Innocent 5-10 years girls are being raped and killed, because there is fear of police and rules. Throw money and escape from imprisonment is a common practice. After 65 years of freedom this is the condition. In schools, education level is so dropped that kid studying in government school 7th standard can’t write ABCD. Because no one is going to fail.
Chemically ripe bananas, Mango, chemicals in milk, hybrid grains, mixture in cooking oils…how new generation is going to survive?
Politician families are now ruling India. Grandpa, son, grandson, useless newcomers are getting elected easily because whatever good (?) work their ancestors had done. Illiterate public electing them only because of love towards dead politicians, but not looking what qualities these new babies have. Just interchange the signs of political parties and see what will happen. People know the signs of parties but do not know how the person is, to whom they are voting, what party have done for them, what are the mottos, vision and mission of the party. Its a blind belief and political parties are taking advantage of it.
Corruption, pollution, poor education, poor health services, poor roads, loss of nature, poor armaments,( But bravest of the brave soldiers in the world: is the only positive side). 65 years of freedom and see the development we have done. Am I negative thinker.. No, but can see the things with open eyes, what you see.


Killing Jews and innocent people, starting World War II is the crime of Hitler. After second half of world war II he became little psycho and started taking decisions on own, and not by discussing with his generals. Killing of innocent people increased in this period. 

But, how he brought the Germany from nowhere to Number 1 is the story to look after. His few ways to gain the control are never acceptable, but in short time span, like a phoenix bringing nation to number 1 is not a joke, and he had done it. After start of world war II corruption started in Germany, specially in army/ SS high ranking officers, but the love and faith towards fatherland of common public was on the higher side. 

We say , we love mother India, but if we measure it, where do we fit? Do we need a strong person or a political party who can kill corruption in India? What you say? Getting power is easy; using power is much more difficult than getting it. But then how India is going to improve? Today’s politicians are so shameless that they refuse to take responsibility and refuse the charges against them of murders, bribing, and corruption. No rays of hope as of now. Only thing is be positive. So do we need a Indian Hitler? ---- for good things to do


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