Long term Memory Loss

Long Term Memory Loss

While reading my blog, one will ask the question, why I always write about Pollution, Corruption and population? From my side answer is very simple- These are the three problems of today and will be the biggest problem of tomorrow.

Talking about Corruption, why it is growing day by day? Why there is control on it?

If you remember corruption was there before freedom and after freedom also. Only the freedom fighters were more alert and, they were having more respect and love towards our motherland India. At that time the idols of people were Bhagat Singh, Netaji, Gandhiji etc. (Today also the followers are there, but I do not know about the level of scarifies) As freedom fighters are perishing one by one, there is no control on new politicians. The freedom fighters saw the cruelty of British and they were very much aware of importance of Freedom and its price. New politicians suffered for nothing while gaining the access in ruling the government. With it the inspirations, idols and social guru’s of new generation is film stars, Gangsters and rich people (People without known income source or black money). It reflects in politics also. Even they are not obeying the orders of Supreme or high court. I am giving simple examples how there is no control on these politicians

1) In Maharashtra there was a big scandal of adulterated Milk. The milk was adulterated with chemical. People were drinking the milk for years, which is harmful for human body. After the case was registered, suddenly around 25 % to 40% of milk shortage started. (This much mixing was there). But after around one year government is not opening the names of Co-operative milk dairies, why? Because the chairpersons of these dairies are close to these or that politician. Apposing party is also doing nothing and there is no need to tell you the reason behind it.
2) ‘Walu Samrats’ (The thieves of sand) are looting the beds of rivers for sand. They are digging sand in thousands of tones, which is more than permitted. Some times it is not permitted at all. Giving small bribes to check points, policemen and government officials is common. Daily there is news in media but no action. Why? These thieves are related to politicians, are politicians or bribing the politicians to not to open the issue. Same thing with other minerals.
3) In the biggest state of India, one person is constructing gardens and statues of an animal. Expending thousands of crores of rupees given by people as a tax. The court told to stop the work but who cares for the court order?
4) Brothers from one south Indian state are digging mines in core jungle land for iron ore. Again hell with court orders.
5) The newest example is IPL matches, there is no need to write on it, but the source of money is very much doubtful.

There are thousands of examples which you and I know.

So, what is the relation between idols of people and the title of this write up?
Yes there is a relation; common people are now facing a problem of long term memory loss. They are forgetting the idols and their teaching. They are forgetting the behavior of politicians and not asking for the reason behind the corruption. Yes we are suffering from the Long Term memory loss.


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